With our combined experience of 15+ years we at Vartemis Consulting Services specialize in making it easy for employers to find those elusive candidates.


Our hope is to align our core skills with yours and work together so that we can utilize our highly specialized, customized and confidential search capabilities on your behalf. The result is a seamless partnership based on strong communication and trust. We are committed to working with our customers to establish a solid relationship, which cultivates the requirements for creative leadership, compelling visions, inspiring missions and constancy of purpose.

what we do


Vartemis can help you drive business success utilizing our contingency recruiting model. Sometimes it makes sense to only pay when the process is complete and your new hire is on board. Contingency recruiting is particularly appropriate for companies looking to fill junior to mid-level positions on a non-confidential basis.
At Vartemis, we treat contingency recruiting with thoroughness, professionalism and discretion. We possess an unparalleled national network of candidates, sophisticated technology, rigorous market research and analytics, a holistic communications process and deep industry knowledge.
You can count us on speed, customization, analysis and thoughtful recruitment with our contingency offering. As a proven contingency recruiter, we bring an intense focus on delivering transcendent talent who are not necessarily engaged in a job search—candidates who will drive economic value for your company.

  1. Pay only for performance


When time, complexity and confidentiality are critical, retained search firms are a sound option. Retained search is particularly appropriate when the need is urgent, the hire will have a significant impact on company performance, or new opportunities emerge that must be quickly addressed.

  1. Trust our Retained search experts for your critically important hires
  2. Focused, dedicated service that drives exceptional results
  3. Delivering Competitive advantage in a retained search firm
  4. We understand your requirement, we assess then we deliver


Vartemis Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) providers manage the entire recruiting/hiring process from initial job profiling through to the on-boarding of new hires, including staff, technology, method and reporting. A properly managed RPO will improve a company’s time to hire; increase the quality of the candidate pool; provide verifiable metrics; reduce cost and improve governmental compliance”.
Vartemis operates within what is generically known as the Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) space, we provide our clients with a fully in-sourced direct recruitment model – evolving the traditional RPO service to add more value to companies by managing their end-to-end recruiting activities internally, including all candidate sourcing, through a fully embedded, onsite team..
We have demonstrated that by fully in-sourcing a company’s recruiting activities effectively providing its own in house capability – we can deliver additional benefits over a traditional RPO model. These include reductions in employee attrition, and in particular first year employee attrition.
There is a commonly held view that an RPO or in-sourced recruitment model is only viable for large corporate. Our approach has demonstrated that it can add measurable value to companies in the mid-market and smaller/emerging company sectors as well as large corporate.


Lets talk of how we can help you hire the best talent.


Are you looking for a job ?

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